Closest City | Nashville, TN (30 mins NW) | Colleges | Middle Tennessee State University> |
College Radio | 88.3 WMTS |
Approximate Show count | 1,635 shows hosted in Murfreesboro, TN |
Links | Bucket City DIY, Boro Fondo Festival |
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
T |
A Day In The Life of A Daily |
The Acorn People |
The Apathy Wizards |
Armsdale |
The Ascent of Everest |
Awesome Shirt |
Ayatolla Gold |
Aye Mammoth |
B |
Baby Breath |
Baby Teeth Thieves |
Big Cats |
Big Horn |
Big, If True |
Blastoids |
Body of Light |
Boyfriend |
C |
Carter Routh/ Christlove |
Casual Sects |
Children of Spy |
Commander Keen |
Crayons and Antidotes |
Creature Comfort |
The Cry Room |
Cuttlefish |
D |
The Dapper Dan Man Band |
Daydrive |
Deep Machine |
Don Coyote |
Dr. Asimov |
DUO! |
E |
Ever Vigilant |
Evil Bebos |
F |
Fancy Tramp |
The Features |
Finding Steve Cunningham |
Flourescent Half Dome |
Frojan Horse |
Futuredog |
G |
German Error Message |
Ghostfinger |
Gnarwhal |
The Goldroom |
H |
Hammertorch |
Hanzelle |
The Hardin Draw |
Hear, Hear |
Hidden Tzar |
I |
Inert Ingredients |
The Infinite Balance |
J |
Jack |
Jonny Gowow |
The Juan Prophet Organization |
K |
The Katies |
King Arthur |
Knightmare |
L |
Lavendar Town |
The Langoliers |
M |
The Mad Gear |
MantraMantraMantra |
Megajoos |
Men and Mountains |
Methdad |
Mister Nasti |
Mobility Chiefs |
Mom and Dad |
The Most Amazing Century of Science |
Mouth Reader |
Murphy |
N |
The New Industry Standard |
O |
O, Youth |
Of Novas |
Oh Grandpa |
P |
Party Trash |
Pig Party |
The Prophet Nathan |
The Protomen |
R |
Rajhi Gahler |
Roman Polanski's Baby |
Rusty Shackleford |
S |
S.O.S 1995 |
Seafood Hotline |
Self Help |
Seth Moore |
Sheep Shifter |
Shelton Summersgill |
Ships |
Skyhamer Mortars |
Slack |
Sleepy Pie Skulls |
Somaaa |
Sovereign |
Spybox |
Stoop Kid |
The Subnovas |
Supertasters |
T |
Technikiller |
Tennessee Scum |
Terra Meets Gaia |
Tetsuo |
The Thank You Ma'ams |
Tomato Face |
Tomato Jake |
Tronatemybaby |
Turbo Fruits |
Turtlebangs |
U |
Uncle Skunkle and The Family Scarecrow Band |
The Utterly Impossibles |
V |
The Vamptones |
Vorticies |
W |
Warmachine(TN) |
The Water Fight |
Wildfront |
Worst Case Ontario |
Y |
Young Wolves |
Z |
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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