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About Atlas Musica

Atlas Musica is a website designed to preserve and share music. It's a space on the internet, uncluttered with social media bloat to display the hard work of everyone that is involved in music scenes all across the world.

Everyday the internet becomes harder to navigate to find relevant, reliable information. This is especially true when it comes to finding information about past shows and music scenes. Since the 00's musicians have heavily relied on the internet as their main source of promotion as well as the source of the bulk of their existence. It becomes more apparent each day how the sites we all rely on aren't, and actively don't cater to the well being and proper archiving of musicians and scenes. It's only a matter of time before something like facebook enshitifies to the point where it ceases to function or their servers crash losing all of our data (a la myspace).

Erasure is a thing that happens throughout time and history; Someday everything will be dust. But we can at least work on documenting as much of our shared knowledge to create a map of the musical culture that has been, what is, and what what can be. There is a wealth of information available on Atlas Muisica (and tenfold that need to be documented). Please help preserve music history by actively submitting information about past shows, bands, pictures, flyers, experiences. Most importantly, enjoy the website!

About The Author

My name is Jacob Umberger. I've been an avid musician since I was a kid and performing music has been what's kept me going in life thus far. I perform as Tomato Jake and have toured on the east coast and the south for about a decade. I'm a fan of the esoteric art and music. I'm also a big ol' nerd who enjoys retro and indie videogames, building gunpla, and collecting records and comics.

Recently I have been concerned with the state of the internet. The rate of enshitifcation that has been plaguing the modern internet has led me to create Atlas Musica with the hopes that we can preserve, display, and promote the importance of music in our communities and in life.